By Dr. Marybeth Crane
Is it a foregone conclusion, that if you run for years, you will have arthritis? Many of my patients are concerned that the aches and pains that are inevitable from distance running are actually harbingers for the future aches and pains of arthritis. This fear is even strong enough to get older runners to quit and start a lower impact exercise regimen like swimming and cycling. Is this a reasonable fear? Yes and No! Running by itself does not cause arthritis; improper biomechanics coupled with the rigors of running can cause arthritis.
Consider the stress of running on the joints for a minute. The foot hits the ground and the bones and joints experience force up to six times the runner's body weight at impact. The joints are being asked to move and glide efficiently and smoothly while enduring this stress. In the event of a misstep or stumble, the joints need to continue to be stable to maintain their perfect alignment.
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